Psicologia Ensino & Formação
Print version ISSN 2177-2061On-line version ISSN 2179-5800
OLIVEIRA, Katya Luciane de; CUNHA, Neide de Brito and SANTOS, Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos. Reading comprehension in the course of psychology: exploring differences. Psicol. Ensino & Form. [online]. 2015, vol.6, n.2, pp.87-100. ISSN 2177-2061.
The reading comprehension is a very important skill in higher education as it presents the most effective means of acquiring technical knowledge from the training offered by university courses. With this perspective, the present study aimed to identify the level of reading comprehension of psychology students from different institutions, measured by the Cloze test. It was intended to explore the follow differences: course location, age and gender of the participants. The study was attended by 466 academic students from three universities (one public and two private) in the states of São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Paraná - Brasil. The results showed significant differences only in “home state”. Altogether, the students have present a reading comprehension level lower than what is expected for this level of education. Pedagogical and psycho-educational implications are discussed.
Keywords : Cloze test; Reading; University.