Perspectivas em análise do comportamento
On-line version ISSN 2177-3548
NETO, Denigés Maurel Regis; BANACO, Roberto Alves; BORGES, Nicodemos Batista and ZAMIGNANI, Denis Roberto. Conditioned supression: an experimental model for the study of anxiety. Perspectivas [online]. 2011, vol.2, n.1, pp.5-20. ISSN 2177-3548.
This article presents a short behavioral-analytic view about emotions, justifying the need of studies about conditioned suppression, as an anxiety model. After, the conditioned suppression model is showed focusing the experimental analogs, and describing some of the major variables involved with this phenomenon, as those related to the reflex behavior (S_S relations) as those related to the operant relations (R-S relations) programmed to produce data in non-human behavior. Another focus of the article is over research with humans that, using procedures found in the literature had as their goals producing conditioned suppression, observing the peculiarities and the challenges due to this kind of participants. Finishing, a discussion is presented over aspects of this kind of research that claim for enhancing and development, aiming to invite the students and professionals to evolve this type of research.
Keywords : conditioned suppression; operant-respondent interaction; emotions.