Perspectivas em análise do comportamento
On-line version ISSN 2177-3548
RAMOS, Camila Carvalho; COSTA, Thiago Dias; BORBA, Aécio and BARROS, Romariz da Silva. A behavioral approach to description of competences in a federal public institution. Perspectivas [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.1, pp.133-146. ISSN 2177-3548.
The Competence Management Model was introduced in Brazil by mean of Decree 5.707/2006 to guide the development of personnel in the Federal Public Administration. Although many organizations seek to implement this new management model, the concept of competence turned out to be imprecise and controversial. Besides that, little attention has been given to the formulation of competences, which is the basis of the whole management model. The purposes of the current study were a) evaluate the efficacy of applying categories of false educational objectives, and other methodological recommendations found in the literature, to evaluate and overcome problems in competence formulation in organizational context, and b) in light of such evaluation, discuss inadequacy of the term "competence" and suggest the use of the term "behavior" as a contributing alternative to reduction of terminological controversy. The study was conducted in a federal public institution and was divided into the following phases: 1) Competency Mapping, 2) Categorization, and 3) Analysis of the descriptions of competencies. As a result of the competence mapping process, we have identified 191 competencies, 93.20% of which presented at least one of the problematic elements pointed in the literature. The results confirm the suitability of the behavioral approach to improve the description of competencies. The categorization of problematic formulations, developed in the educational context, proved useful to the organizational context. Subsequent studies should explore the possible impact of the procedure here on the effectiveness of subsequent stages of management competence.
Keywords : Competence; Competence Management; Behavior Analysis; Federal Public Service.