Revista EPOS
On-line version ISSN 2178-700X
SOUSA, Analicia Martins de. Bullying and projects of laws in Brazil: a victimizing and punitive rationality on human relationships. Rev. Epos [online]. 2015, vol.6, n.2, pp.27-52. ISSN 2178-700X.
The rapid diffusion that bullying theme reached in Brazil in the first decade of this century, seems to contribute to some consensus that has been forming around the subject. Usually, bullying is portrayed as a form of violence, or a universal phenomenon that reach schools from around the world. The intense discursive production on the subject in the country has been mobilizing demands for measures to prevent and punish the alleged assaults. This article analyzes federal laws projects that address bullying and the opinions of the committees of the Federal Chamber of Deputies about such proposals. The hypothesis is that, how bullying is addressed in these documents has contributed wished for a perspective on victimizing individuals and thus to produce mechanisms of social control. In conclusion, bullying is objectified in legislative documents as violent conduct. Thus, they ignore the complexity that involves personal interactions, while separating individuals in the categories of victim and aggressor. Bullying, coupled with the expansive notion of violence, have been shown to be an effective device in the extension of the state's police tentacles on human relationships
Keywords : bullying; laws; victims; aggressors.