Serviços Personalizados
Revista EPOS
versão On-line ISSN 2178-700X
BERTASO, Marcio Wagner e LAVRADOR, Maria Cristina Campello. Death threats to children and adolescents and everyday biopolitics. Rev. Epos [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.1, pp.28-55. ISSN 2178-700X.
To put in question the ways of life's government who are affirmed when submitted to the Program Protect Children and Adolescents Threatened of Death of Espirito Santo and thus, present a picture of the way of functioning of the Guarantee System of Rights in this State at the point where intersect these agents, child/adolescent/family and the PPCAAM is the purpose of this article. It is understood that to submit one case to a service such as PPCAAM, numerous instituted processes go to scene, especially to the implementation of social policies aimed at children and adolescents. The act of "to submit" one case puts in the question practices that speaks of relationships between services seem just a bureaucratic form, where you want to pass the "problem" to other service. But being closely analyzed, one realizes that are practices that serve to certain government forms of life are. At the same time, this life's government is affirmed strategies of resistance and small forms of action that link to the affirmation of life. Far from talking about what doesn't work or what is lacking in the relationships between the services, was approached what works powerfully, and operates forms of life's government to do someone live and let die others.
Palavras-chave : children and adolescents; children's rights; human right; biopolitic.