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vol.7 número2Trabalho feminino, desigualdades de gênero e formas de subjetivação no setor de serviços no Brasil"Eu acho que, pra você estar nesse meio, você tem que ser resistente quanto ao mundo comum": juventude(s), subculturas e resistência cultural no Rio de Janeiro* índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista EPOS

versão On-line ISSN 2178-700X


BONFIM, Juliano  e  MESQUITA, Marcos Ribeiro. When the youth comes into scene: gender and sexuality in debate. Rev. Epos [online]. 2016, vol.7, n.2, pp.104-122. ISSN 2178-700X.

INTRODUCTION: The theme of sexuality have been occupying an important place in the current debates and such a phenomenon contributes greatly to thinking about the ways in which it has been the focus of research projects, public policies, interventions in schools, health programs and in the media, provoking diverse disputes that both extend the understanding of sexuality as a plural experience and reinforce the regulatory conceptions and the normative of sexual practices and roles. OBJECTIVES: to know and to analyze the strategies of participation of young people in the debate of gender and sexuality in the school. METHODOLOGY: it is based on the methodology of Discussion Groups (MATTOS, 2012; MÉNDEZ, 2007) as a tool and also on participant observation and informal conversations inspired by ethnography to compose the results. RESULTS: Our interlocutors form a collective where they organize debates, as a strategy to move the institution and discuss issues that sometimes the school cannot handle or simply do not reach the desires of many girls, as is the case of sexuality, their expressions of gender and diversity. CONCLUSIONS: with the insertion in the field, we have seen that young people, with their cultures and relations with other movements, have in different ways questioned another way of occupying the diverse spaces and discussions within the institution.

Palavras-chave : sexuality; gender; youth; participation.

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