Servicios Personalizados
Saúde & Transformação Social
versión On-line ISSN 2178-7085
MIRANDA, Elisangela Domingos; LIRA, Kaliny de Souza; ALENCAR, Anykaroline Bezerra de y OLIVEIRA, Adriana Rosmaninho Caldeira de. Physical activity for work versus physical activity for leisure: the lack of information and encouragement in Médio Solimões region. Saúde Transform. Soc. [online]. 2012, vol.3, n.1, pp.55-58. ISSN 2178-7085.
Physical activity can be understood as a behavioral option that presents itself as a means of great importance for the proper body functioning as well as the self-esteem is improved by the psychological effects and the social behavior is improved by the health status of the individual. The objectives aimed to identify the physical activities performed by the six rivermen communities in Amazonia and point out the existing difficulties to achieve these. There were applied semi-structured questionnaires to males and females over 18 years old in six Amazonian riverside communities with a focus on the objectives of the study. The categorization and critical analysis of the material took place after the data collection. Physical activity at work prevailed, however, the issues of sports with less frequency emerged. That was explained by the fact that the labor activities (agriculture, fishing, and domestic activities) are more stressful and it reduces the sport initiative. Conclusion: There is a need of teaching the physical education science to the riverside population aiming to provide physical, recreational and leisure activities to complement aspect of the everyday life.
Palabras clave : Physical Activity; Riverman; Amazonian Ecosystem.