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Eureka (Asunción) en Línea
versão On-line ISSN 2220-9026
ALMEIDA, Maria Josefa de Menezes. Quasi-Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Teachers Participation in Anintercultural Pedagogy of the Modality. Eureka [online]. 2012, vol.9, n.1, pp.37-46. ISSN 2220-9026.
This paper analyzes the problem of the lack of teacher training for the EYA modality in Brazil, in order to provide an answer using the development of a quasi-experimental study intragroup (pre-test and post-test), to determine the impacts of the participation of a sample consisting of self-selected teachers participating of the course "Intercultural pedagogy with emphasis on cultural identity" (N = 17) of the State of Sergipe, Brazil. It was analyzed the input and output matches of their level of intercultural competence. This pedagogical intervention initially contemplates the development of the dimensions: knowledge, skills and intercultural attitude developed in 80 hours of collaborative learning for this research field. Its effectivenesswas demonstrated by the consequences manifested in educational practice in teaching planning and class reports, in additionto his theoretical contribution to encourage future studies. However, an unexpected result was identified: the absenceof significance level (α = 0.05) with the test "t test of Student".
Palavras-chave : Teacher Training; Intercultural Pedagogy; Youth and Adults Education (YAE).