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Eureka (Asunción) en Línea

On-line version ISSN 2220-9026


FARIAS-CARRACEDO, Carolina. "The use of the term paradigm for childhood. Fundamentals and critics". Eureka [online]. 2013, vol.10, n.1, pp.86-95. ISSN 2220-9026.

The literature has emphasized that the concept of childhood has changed significantly throughout history. In this sense, two different legal fundamentals are distinguished, each one in different historical moments. The first one, the so called Irregular Situation Paradigm; the second one, the Integral Protection Paradigm. Analyzing the history of human rights in general and those of children in particular, it seems that such history alternatively advances and retreats. In fact, the second paradigm emerges from a long history of legal and political conquests. Here, we aim to expose the epistemological position in which we are positioned to discourage the use of the Kuhnian term paradigm and, instead, use the term doctrine or legal fundamentals.

Keywords : Childhood; Paradigm; Irregular Situation Paradigm; Integral Protection Paradigm; Epistemology.

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