Serviços Personalizados
Estudos Interdisciplinares em Psicologia
versão On-line ISSN 2236-6407
POLYDORO, Soely Aparecida Jorge e FREITAS, Fernanda Andrade de. Researches with university students: Some characteristics from national journals. Est. Inter. Psicol. [online]. 2010, vol.1, n.1, pp.26-39. ISSN 2236-6407.
This study aimed to show characteristics from researches developed with university students from national journals focusing Psychology and Education. For that, 334 articles published in two journals were consulted. Among them, 35 were selected, as indicated, in the summary and/or title, students' focus. The categories analyzed were: year of publication, authorship, references used, types of researches and participants' characteristics. It was identified that the research was mainly descriptive and quantitative with multiple author and female. The researchers used frequently the articles as a source of studies. The students of Psychology were the most studied and traditional and non traditional students' were noticed in the sample. These data, despite being unrepresentative of the national literature offer an overview and allow to discuss some trends and/or gaps concerning to the variables studied.
Palavras-chave : university students; college education; documental research.