Revista Polis e Psique
On-line version ISSN 2238-152X
CHAVES, Felipe Alan Mendes and CALIMAN, Luciana Vieira. Between Mental Health and the School: The Autonomous Management of Medication. Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2017, vol.7, n.3, pp.136-160. ISSN 2238-152X.
When dealing with mental health-work involving children and adolescents, it is almost inevitable to cross paths with the question of schooling. In a number of cases, the referral of children to mental health services derives from learning issues and entails requests for medication and evaluation, especially concerning Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This work presents an analysis of practices emerging at the junction of mental health care and education as well as the results of a research-intervention that aims to map the articulation between these two fields in order to collect propositions or suggestions towards the creation of an intersectorial work. We followed an Autonomous Management of Medication (GAM) group composed of researchers, parents of children being treated with psychotropic drugs and workers at Vitória’s Center for Childhood and Adolescence Psychosocial Care (CAPSi). Within the GAM group, it was possible to analyse a care practice that was becoming increasingly disjointed and, at the same time, to strengthen a mechanism for dialogue and producing collective practices and knowledge.
Keywords : Child and Adolescent Mental Health; School; Intersectoriality; Autonomous Management of Medication (GAM); ADHD.