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vol.8 número1Salud Mental en Atención Primaria de Salud: Dividir o Sumar Apoyos Matriciales? índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Polis e Psique

versión On-line ISSN 2238-152X


PAULON, Simone Mainieri; PROTAZIO, Mairla Machado  y  TSCHIEDEL, Rosemarie. “I know what mental health is!”: Research and Care as Warp and Weft of one Same Fabric. Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.1, pp.6-32. ISSN 2238-152X.

The focus of this study is an analysis of mental health care practices within primary health care teams from six municipalities in the greater metropolitan region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Part of the results were obtained from an evaluation of the National Program for the Improvement of Access and Quality in Primary Health Care to unfold intervention-research through a participatory, evaluative fourth generation methodology that aimed at the qualitative evaluation of good practice in this field. The collective analysis of the data was carried out with stakeholder groups, resulting in five Thematic Axes: Conceptions of Mental Health, Work Management, Custodial Psychosocial Care, Network Care and End-user as Protagonist. Their conclusions pointed out that, along with the invisibility of effective mental health care practices in the various regions, there is a transition underway within technologies of care that requires specific training in psychosocial health as well as the sharing of new-found practices emerging from out-patient care

Palabras clave : Mental Health; Primary Health Care; Psychiatric Reform; Participatory Research; City.

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