Revista Polis e Psique
On-line version ISSN 2238-152X
GARCIA, Caroline; GALINDO, Dolores and LEITE, José Carlos. Reencenação como experimento em política, ciência e psicologia: Bergson e Einsten sobre o tempo. Rev. Polis Psique [online]. 2018, vol.8, n.2, pp.237-262. ISSN 2238-152X.
In this essay we argue that the adoption of reenactment as a methodological experiment allows a dramatic one that articulates unexpected effects to theoretical debates that, from the point of view of the History of Sciences, would be closed, producing rearticulations between politics, Science and Psychology. In order to approach re-enactment as a methodological resource, we take as a thread the debate about Bergson and Einstein about time.. The debate between Bergson and Einstein in 1922 about time, in which the former would have emerged as the defeated protagonist, without referring to the solutions already instituted on the controversies is an important methodological clue to avoid polarization and to get through the effects of the notion of time in the present. The perspective of the actor-network theory on the study of controversies allows to recover the epic debate of 1922 and to reinvent it by means of the reenactment, therefore, in bringing the conception of network like flows, circulations, alliances, movements, instead of referring to A crystallized entity, gives way to reenactment as a thinking device.
Keywords : Bergson; Deleuze; Ator-Rede.