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Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise
versão On-line ISSN 2316-5197
NOGUEIRA, Francisco Ronald Capoulade e BERNARDO, Márcia Hespanhol. Work and suffering: narratives told by psychoanalysts. Analytica [online]. 2013, vol.2, n.3, pp.101-122. ISSN 2316-5197.
This article originated from a study on how psychoanalysts with Lacanian orientation listen to and deal with patients who have some type of complaint related to the world of work. The study, classified in the field of the Social Psychology of Work, is based on the pre-supposition that the capitalistic social context and the forms of organizing work may have consequences for the mental health of workers. Semi-structured interviews were held with five psychoanalysts and consisted of narrations of experiences with patients affected by some type of "mental" suffering related to their labor. It was clear that, when treating their patients, the analysts gave more emphasis to the dynamic aspects of family histories than to dynamics of the world of work. In the process, they brought to the fore a longtime debate about the contrast between the individual and the collective.
Palavras-chave : Work; social psychology; suffering; psychoanalysts; narratives; individual vs. collective.