Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise
On-line version ISSN 2316-5197
MARCOS, Cristina Moreira. The introduction of narcissism in the metapsychology and its clinical consequences. Analytica [online]. 2016, vol.5, n.8, pp.6-30. ISSN 2316-5197.
Our aim is to understand the theoretical and clinical consequences of the introduction of narcissism into the metapsychology. We start by briefly analyzing Freud's first drive theory, and then we identify the rupture in the metapsychology represented by the paper Introduction to Narcissism. Finally, we will show the clinical consequences of this notion, in the relation between melancholy and anorexy and in the obstacles to the analytical approaches to it.
Keywords : Narcissism; metapsychology; clinic.