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Analytica: Revista de Psicanálise

On-line version ISSN 2316-5197


LAUREANO, Pedro Sobrino  and  GONDAR, Jô. Precarious ontology: the subjectivity between Psychoanalysis and dialectic. Analytica [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.14, pp.1-17. ISSN 2316-5197.

In this article we have tried to develop some theses that are common to psychoanalysis and dialectics, especially regarding the centrality that both confer to the category of contradiction. Thus, we use recent interpretations of Hegel, who claim that, for the German philosopher, it is not a matter of resolving the contradiction in a new identity, but of stating it as the very cause of the dialectical process. In this sense, we observe possible relationships between fundamental Freudian concepts, such as those of the unconscious and ambivalence, and some milestones of Hegel's philosophy.

Keywords : Ontology; Dialethics; Psycoanalysis; Subjectivity.

        · abstract in Portuguese | French | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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