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Clínica & Cultura
versão On-line ISSN 2317-2509
PAULON, Clarice Pimentel. The clinical case as an index of power in clinic and transmission in psychoanalysis. Clín. & Cult. [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.1, pp.37-50. ISSN 2317-2509.
We will present the relations between the subject and power in the transmission of psychoanalysis. We will start from the dichotomy of the human sciences between technique and theory that produces statements that restrict the circulation of power. This division will produce authoritarian discursive effects that we will call authoritarianism of the clinician. We will propose a way of suturing this dichotomy with narrative taken as a method for the construction of the human sciences, using as an example the writing of cases. We will name this practice the authority of the clinic. This proposal is in line with what Lacan enunciated in "A direção do tratamento e os princípios de seu poder"" (1958/1998, when he shows the relations of power in the handling of the clinic: the criticism does not point to the exclusion of power, but its transference to the word. We will discuss the differences between authority and authoritarianism of the cases understood as material for transformation or establishment of power relations in the clinic and power relations in the transmission of psychoanalysis.
Palavras-chave : transference; transformation; power; clinical case; transmission of psychoanalysis.