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Clínica & Cultura
versão On-line ISSN 2317-2509
ALONSO, Silvia Leonor. Feminisms, psychoanalysis and politics. Clín. & Cult. [online]. 2019, vol.8, n.1, pp.101-111. ISSN 2317-2509.
This article seeks to examine the interface between Psychoanalysis and feminisms. It states the importance of talking about feminisms, acknowledging this pluralism, both overtime as well as nowadays. A historical synthesis of the waves of feminism enables to locate at what point did the conversation between Psychoanalysis and feminism become possible. The text goes on to show this conversation on both sides. At the same times it establishes some linkages with the political field. At the end it raises some issues about the matter at the present moment, highlighting the possibility of the return to an essencialization or a naturalization as regards women, which could leave them again as the fragile, the unprotected, and the desireless
Palavras-chave : Feminisms; psychoanalysis; naturalization; gender; politics.