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On-line version ISSN 2318-9282


DE GRANDE, Pablo  and  REMORINI, Carolina. It’s a baby!: Social Science perspectives on early childhood. Desidades [online]. 2019, n.25, pp.10-26. ISSN 2318-9282.

The presence of babies in social research has come late and continues to be marginal. Its incorporation has followed logics linked to the actors, knowledge, senses and practices that by it gained visibility. In this article we recognize two approaches that emerged from the concern to problematize early childhood and babies and that transcend disciplinary boundaries: the anticipatory approach and the experiential approach. In the first, the look on babies is set in their future, in the second, in their present. Both approaches are described, giving account of their subject and scope, the disciplinary perspectives and practices from which they are nurtured, the areas and actors involved. We reflect on their contrasts and points of articulation, their contributions and limitations, in pursuit of the construction of an interdisciplinary field that accounts for the diversity, complexity and historical-cultural nature of babies' lives.

Keywords : babies; social sciences; disciplinary approaches.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Spanish ( pdf ) | Portuguese ( pdf )


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