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On-line version ISSN 2318-9282


BARROSO, Elise do Socorro Gomes; SOUZA, Ana Paula Vieira e  and  NEVES, Joana D’Arc de Vasconcelos. Youth in media: the meanings that young people attribute to Brazilian politics and politics. Desidades [online]. 2020, n.26, pp.52-71. ISSN 2318-9282.

Matters referring to youth and everything it encompasses are increasingly reoccurring on today’s society. In this sense, the purpose of this work was to identify the social representations expressed through Facebook about Brazil’s political circumstances, facing an election year, focusing on the following aspects: politics, the social/politic context and Brazil’s future perspective. The methodology occurred by the means of non-participant observation, with bases on the field of social representation. With the data analysis, it was possible to verify that, as the youth from various other parts from the country, those in this research also show interest in the theme displayed, and express their opinions and discontentment with the country’s reality. It was also verified that the youth is more alert to political matters and everything that happens on society, and that affects directly or indirectly each one of them, and even demonstrate to know how to discern with maturity what is repassed by the communication mediums, and demonstrate how to discern with maturity what is passed on by the media.

Keywords : youth; social medias; social representations.

        · abstract in Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )


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