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 issue28“I don't know if the teacher is looking at me”: the look and the screenReflections about the impact of isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic on the education of the indigenous peoples of Argentina (NEA) author indexsubject indexarticles search
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On-line version ISSN 2318-9282


HERNANDEZ, María Celeste. Spaces and relations: rethinking children's spatiality in times of pandemic. Desidades [online]. 2020, n.28, pp.26-39. ISSN 2318-9282.

ABSTRACT The lives of girls and boys develop in multiple spaces, although they are not always contemplated when the place that our societies assign to childhood confines them mostly to the domestic sphere and to a set of institutions historically associated with their care. The ethnographic approach to children's spatiality has made it possible to delve into the particular uses and representations of space that boys and girls in a neighborhood of La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina) produce in their daily lives. We will analyze here the webs of relationships that are enabled in their way of inhabiting the city and configure their childhood in diverse and unequal ways. We will present a reading of that spatiality of care to return to it with renewed concerns from the current context of pandemic.

Keywords : childhood; spatiality; ethnography; care; pandemic.

        · abstract in Spanish | Portuguese     · text in Spanish     · Spanish ( pdf )


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