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Revista Subjetividades

versión impresa ISSN 2359-0769versión On-line ISSN 2359-0777


RABELO, Fabiano Chagas. The flechsig's name and the patronymics on Schreber's delirium. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2014, vol.14, n.3, pp.499-509. ISSN 2359-0769.

This paper aims to discuss how Schreber transmutes the name of Flechsig and transforms it on the mainstay of his delirium's system. Early in the beginning of his memoirs, in the open letter to Flechsig, Schreber says that the name of his former doctor operated a great influence on the development of his delirium, even quoting him in full. However this name, as it is transcribed, deviates from the true name of Flechsig. This name is from an ancestor of Flechsig. The forenames and surnames of this ancestor - when examined in the light of Schreber's delirium - reveals the mobilization of the patronymics significant of the previous generations of Schreber's family in its literal meaning. From the analysis of this issue, we will weave some questions about the articulation between structure and phenomena on psychosis. We will support, in our discussion, the Lacans thesis that is required several generations to produce a psychosis. Then, we interpretate the intrusion of patronymic's significant of Schreber's family on the Flechsig's name from the perspective of what Freud called projection of compulsion and the Lacanian concept of foreclosure. Finally, we will make some considerations about the direction of the treatment in psychosis.

Palabras clave : foreclosure; delirium; hallucination; psychosis; patronymic.

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