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Revista Subjetividades
versão impressa ISSN 2359-0769versão On-line ISSN 2359-0777
SIEIRO, Aline Accioly; PEREIRA, Germano Almeida Faria Fortunato; PARAVIDINI, João Luiz Leitão e QUAGLIATTO, Tassiana Machado. Dynamics, topology and economy in the construction of a metapsychology of the constitution of the subject. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2017, vol.17, n.2, pp.32-40. ISSN 2359-0769.
This work comes from the return to psychoanalytic theory by the non-whole diagnostic method. We aim to approach of what resists theorizing, questioning its limits to return to clinical practice and to produce new answers about the notion of the real in the theory of the constitution of the subject. In metapsychological terms, we can observe three dimensions of theoretical construction on the constitution of the subject: (1) the ontological structures, such as the Real, the Symbolic and the Imaginary, in their braid logic - topological aspect; (2) anthropological structures, as a paternal metaphor, phallus and signifier in its structural perspective - dynamic aspect, and (3) the notion of object a and the discursive positions that allow the passage between the ontological and anthropological structures - economic aspect. We present the dynamic and topological constructions on the constitution of the subject and question the absence of works on the economic aspect.
Palavras-chave : metapsychology; constitution of the subject; differential diagnosis.