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Revista Subjetividades
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MEDEIROS, Alberto Antunes e MATOS, Roberto Pires Calazans. Depression as a subjective position: lacanian contributions. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2018, vol.18, n.2, pp.80-92. ISSN 2359-0769.
Depression is currently one of the most widespread issues in society. It is a clinical picture that affects millions of people worldwide every year and its diagnosis is increasingly frequent. In this perspective, it is treated as a medical field problem and its etiology would be associated with a neuro-chemical disorder. Psychoanalysis proposes another alternative that goes beyond the biomedical perspective. In this sense, we rely on the teaching of Lacan and make a precise articulation between sadness and desire. In this way depressive states would in fact be a consequence of the subject disorientation in relation to his desire. This direction is precise, as it provides us with elements to think about the differential diagnosis of melancholia and the depressive states that appear under this condition. It is a situation in which the desire of the subject is erased due to its identification with the lost object. This perspective also allows us to think of neurotic depression and situate it as a retreat from the subject before his desire that is raised by the Other. Finally, psychoanalysis shows us that depression as a clinical entity does not exist. In these coordinates, depressive states always translate a position of the subject before the object, which must always be analyzed from the drive logic.
Palavras-chave : depression; wish; differential diagnosis; melancholy.