Revista Subjetividades
Print version ISSN 2359-0769On-line version ISSN 2359-0777
TORRES, Tatiana de Lucena et al. Social representations of informal working for self employed workers. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2018, vol.18, n.3, pp.26-38. ISSN 2359-0769.
It is estimated that one-third of the Brazilian population performs informal activities and this modality of work involves specific psychosocial and ideological issues, as well as social representations. The present study aims to characterize the social representations of informal work for workers who are included in this type of activity, as well as their social and identity practices, considering the perspective of Social Representation Theory (TRS). The study was exploratory and descriptive, circumscribed in the qualitative approach, with the participation of ten workers interviewed in a non-directive manner. The narratives were analyzed with the help of IRAMUTEQ, a textual analysis software. It was possible to identify three different representational axes: (a) life and work history, (b) inter-generational of informality and (c) freedom and precariousness of work. The social representations of informal work have a hegemonic perspective, but also translate the work activity as something human, which identifies workers, and which is irreplaceable.
Keywords : social representation; informal work; psychology of work.