Revista Subjetividades
Print version ISSN 2359-0769On-line version ISSN 2359-0777
PEDROSA FILHO, Raimundo Benone de Araújo and TEIXEIRA, Leônia Cavalcante. The Image Policy and the Ethics of Desire in Contemporary Self-Representations. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.spe2, pp.1-16. ISSN 2359-0769.
This article focuses on the articulation between psychoanalysis and contemporary art, highlighting the political dimension of these fields - understood here as spaces that allow the subversion of the homogenizing logic of identities. In this sense, we believe that the work of art in its constitutive complexity is not reduced to a tautological truth. The object and its images support a latency; an overlapping temporality, operating as an act of subject: work of the unconscious, therefore, supported by the complex network of condensations and displacements. We will approach certain resistance strategies that use images (and selfies) as an instrument to fight the processes of desubjectivation and subjection. We will see possibilities of new ways of being in the world, of new configurations; openings for diversity, for difference, for the uniqueness of the subject. In this sense, we will reflect on the photographic specificity not only from the point of view of the criticism of representation but also highlighting the important "politics of representation", which reaffirm the heterogeneity in the multiple identities of subjects who, even today, suffer harsh penalties for not complying with the colonizing, sexist and patriarchal norms of our society.
Keywords : art; psychoanalysis; self-representation; politics; contemporaneity.