Revista Subjetividades
Print version ISSN 2359-0769On-line version ISSN 2359-0777
ROCHA, Lorenna Pinheiro; LIMA, Maria Celina Peixoto and PINHEIRO, Clara Virgínia de Queiroz. School Neoliberalism: The Education of Young People Today and Its Subjective Effects. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2020, vol.20, n.spe2, pp.1-11. ISSN 2359-0769.
Currently, we have witnessed a clear breakdown of the fundamentals and purposes of education, which has left its current social function uncertain. If one day, its role was centered on an intellectual and citizen formation, from the transmission of the values of culture and the symbolic references of society, this purpose has undergone profound changes with the advent of school neoliberalism, which consists in the migration of economic values for the educational field. In this context, the school is called upon to respond to economic interests, which becomes evident when we analyze, above all, the pedagogical proposals aimed at youth. Given this scenario, this paper seeks to discuss the consequences of the entry of economic values in the education of young people, paying attention to its effects on the subject/student. Here, we suggest two different types of school symptoms that are present in the relationship with knowledge: intellectual inhibitions and melancholy. Such symptoms testify to a worrying decline in the sense of knowledge, which represents one of the main problems that the school needs to deal with today. Starting from the psychoanalytic conception that the meaning is an only built-in reference to another, this problem would not be solved with attempts to give individual meanings to knowledge, as we have observed in contemporary educational practices. Progressively, the collectivizing aspect of knowledge has been losing its place at the expense of a more individualized understanding, according to which education works as an instrument for the "modeling" of skills required by the labor market. Thus, we conclude that the need to rescue the collectivizing character of knowledge is urgent; it is necessary to take into account the conditions of possibility of a real transmission in the school context since the triumph of an educational model that aims to respond to demands for efficiency and innovation finds its limits in the very nature of the pedagogical act.
Keywords : education; youth; psychoanalysis; school neoliberalism.