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Revista Subjetividades

Print version ISSN 2359-0769On-line version ISSN 2359-0777


RISK, Eduardo Name  and  SANTOS, Manoel Antônio dos. Extended Clinic, Child and Family Care in the Context of the Psychosocial Care Network: Winnicott's Contributions. Rev. Subj. [online]. 2022, vol.22, n.3, e13443.  Epub Nov 22, 2024. ISSN 2359-0769.

In Brazil, new perspectives on family and care were elaborated based on the National Mental Health Policy (PNSM). This theoretical-reflective study discusses the conceptual and clinical assumptions of differentiated frameworks used as a care and intervention strategy with children and their parents. The fundamentals are presented for a Winnicottian clinic of caring for parents and children based on playing as a care strategy in the context of essential health care services and specialized psychosocial care, members of the Psychosocial Care Network (RAPS). In the Winnicottian sense, the concept of environment was articulated with the innovative milestones of psychosocial care and the notion of an expanded clinic. It is argued that both the family and the extended clinic constitute spaces for constructing borders that have the child development protecting and enhancing function. Based on the use of differentiated clinical frameworks proposed by Aiello-Vaisberg, it is argued that the analyst's holding capacity to provide a safe, continuous and reliable environment for the experiences relived by the child and his family in the setting constitutes a resource for symbolization and elaboration of the environmental failures to which they are subjected in situations of social vulnerability.

Keywords : expanded clinic; mental health services; family relationships; child psychoanalysis; environmental provision.

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