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Psicologia: teoria e prática
versão impressa ISSN 1516-3687
Psicol. teor. prat. vol.20 no.2 São Paulo maio/ago. 2018
Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra
Dear readers, the journal Psychology: Theory and Practice presents the second issue of its 20th volume. The journal is classified A2 extract in Psychology at the "Qualis" evaluation of Brazilian journals conducted by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (known in Brazil by the Portuguese acronym Capes), referring to the quadrennium 2013-2016. From the 12 articles presents in this issue, ten are published in two languages, Portuguese and English, what contributes for the divulgation of the Brazilian scientific production on an international scale.
In the present issue, the five sections of our journal have publications. In the section Psychological Assessment, the article "Work-Family Interference and Work-Family Facilitation: A study of measurement invariance between genders" was introduced by the authors Carla Santos Carvalho, Lisete S. Mendes Mónico, Vânia Almeida Pinto, Carlos Américo Pinto (in memoriam), Maria Inés Alegre, Denize Cristina de Oliveira e Pedro Miguel Parreira from the University of Coimbra, Portugal, and from the Rio de Janeiro State University - Uerj, Brazil. The authors addressed the work-family interaction and analyzed, in the study, the invariance of the measurement between the genders male and female in higher education teachers, by the application of the Work-Family Scale. The factors Impact of the Work-Family tension on Work and Family were independent in relation to genders, while measures for the remaining factors varied between the genders. The research contributed both in the use of the Work- Family Scale on a comparative evaluation of the referred constructs in function of the gender as well as a reflection about concepts related to work-family relations for men and women.
The second article, entitled "Relationship between substance use and quality of life in a community sample of adults" is authored by Luiz Felipe Ayres Bernardes, Nelson Hauck Filho e Ana Paula Porto Noronha, from the San Francisco University - USF, Brazil. The authors investigated the relationship between the use of substances and quality of life. There were impairments in the quality of life for the use of cocaine and anxiolytic drugs, as well as the tendency for a positive relationship, unexpected, between the use of stimulant substances and quality of life. The results revealed a high prevalence in the moderate use of tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana.
The authors Érika Correia Silva and Adriana Marcassa Tucci, from the Federal University of São Paulo - Unifesp, Brazil, present the article "Correlation between anxiety and alcohol consumption among college students." In this study, the authors investigated the correlation between anxiety, the standard of alcohol consumption and its consequences in college students in two moments: before and after a brief intervention. The results suggested a relationship between anxiety and alcohol consumption and its consequences in the first moment. After the intervention, the students moved to an alcohol standard consumption of low risk and lowered the consequences associated with the use, but the levels of anxiety we still similar. The study discusses the importance of preventive interventions for the anxiety in university services to support college students.
The article "Evidence of concurrent validity for the use of the Pfister test with children of Ceará" was written by Lucila Moraes Cardoso, Érica Ive Xavier Lopes, Tábatha Maranhão Marques, and Rebeca de Moura Targino, from the State University of Ceará - Uece, Brazil. The study sought evidence of the concurrent validity for the Colored Pyramids Test of Pfister applied on children between 6 to 11 years old. Results revealed age differences, with a higher presence of variables related to less emotional or cognitive development and difficulties to elaborate a received stimulation (pure carpet, carpet with starting order and affective arousal syndrome) in younger children, while older children presented a more sognificant indicator associated with maturation in dealing with emotions and defensive maneuvers (layer formation). Therefore, the article contributed to providing validity evidence of the Colored Pyramids Test of Pfister.
In the section Human Development, the article entitled as "Social support and satisfaction of primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy" was written by Tatiana Afonso, Fernando Augusto Ramos Pontes, and Simone Souza da Costa Silva, from the Federal University of Pará - UFPA, Brazil. They aimed to analyze the available social supports' satisfaction to 101 primary caregivers of children with cerebral palsy aged between 0 and 12 years old. The level of general satisfaction was high, especially the family satisfaction, which was the highest satisfaction level followed by satisfaction with friends, intimate satisfaction, and social activities. In this sense, the article helped to comprehend the characteristics and needs of the relatives of children with cerebral palsy.
The section of Social Psychology presents three original articles. "Every woman dreams of being a princess? Problematization over Princesses Schools" it is the article authored by Sabrina Daiana Cúnico, Alice Lopes Caldas Fagundes, Nathalia Amaral Pereira de Souza, and Marlene Neves Strey, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul - PUCRS, Brazil. The article, from a literature review, problematizes the existence of Princesses Schools. The authors discuss the conflict between the teachings of those schools and the need of the female positioning ahead of the preconception and the violence still existent in our country.
Ana Maria Justo, from the Federal University of Espírito Santo - Ufes, Brigido Vizeu Camargo, and Andréa Barbará da Silva Bousfield, from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, Brazil, wrote the article "Overweight and weight control: lay thinking and its normative dimensions." In this study, they described the social representations linked to the overweight and body weight control practices. From the 40 interviews with people with and without overweight, the authors delimited five lexicals, discussed in the article. According to the authors, there is still individual responsibility the overweight condition, what strengthens the stereotypes and difficulties the body weight control.
The article "Motivation attributed by adults to the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the social context" was written by Dilce Rejane Peres do Carmo (Federal University of Rio Grande - Furg, Brazil), Francisca Lucélia Faria (Federal University of Fortaleza - Unifor, Ceára, Brazil), Marlene Teda Pelzer (Federal University of Rio Grande - Furg, Brazil), Marlene Gomes Terra (Federal University of Santa Maria - UFSM, Brazil), Manoel Antônio dos Santos (University of São Paulo from Ribeirão Preto - USP-RP, Brazil), and Sandra Cristina Pillon (University of São Paulo from Ribeirão Preto - USP-RP, Brazil). The study investigated the motivations attributed to the consumption of alcohol by adults in the social context, using a qualitative approach. The authors discuss the categories that emerged from the participants' stories and they observed that the participants sought in pubs a source of socialization, presenting lower risk perception, what it could have elevated the vulnerability to the alcohol consumption.
In the Psychology and Education section, the authors Rodolfo Augusto Matteo Ambiel and Leonardo de Oliveira Barros, from San Francisco University - USF, Brazil, present the article entitled "Relations between dropout, satisfaction with professional choice, income and adaptation of university students." In this study, it was analyzed correlations between the academic adaptation and reasons to the higher education dropout. Results revealed that some factors of the reasons Scale for Higher Education Dropout (M-ES) were related to the factor of the Questionnaire for Adaptation to Higher Education (QAES). Analyses controlling satisfaction with choice of the profession and monthly income variables were also conducted. In this way, the article discusses important questions about the permanency of students in the higher education institutions, addressing many variables related to evasion and academic adaptation.
The section of Clinical Psychology presents three original articles. The first one is entitled "Effectiveness of a psychoeducational booklet on ADHD in college students," it was written by Clarissa Tochetto de Oliveira, Marco Antônio Pereira Teixeira, and Ana Cristina Garcia Dias, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, Brazil. In the study, it was evaluated the effectiveness of the use, as psychoeducation, of an online booklet about the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for college students. According to the results, the intervention was effective to elevate the knowledge about ADHD in the participants and it was mapped areas of higher and lower knowledge. They suggest, therefore, that this type of intervention can be effective to inform college students about the disorder.
In the article entitled "Beliefs about childhood cancer: perceptions of survivors and mothers," Elisa Kern de Castro, Franciele Cristina Peloso, Luisa Vital, and Maria Júlia Armiliato, from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos - Unisinos, Brazil, examined the beliefs about the childhood cancer in 27 survivors and 49 mothers. Results revealed that mothers noticed the childhood cancer as a chronic disease, with consequences and emotional representations more negative than the survivors themselves. The authors concluded that the fact of the survivors have noticed the childhood cancer more positively could indicate a resignification of the experience in an adaptive way.
The article "Incident of femoral fracture and screening of signs of depression in the elderly" is presented by the authors Rosana Fortunato Modesto, from the Faculty of Higher Education and Integral Training - FAEF, Garça, Brazil, Edinalva Neves Nascimento and Sandra Regina Gimeniz-Paschoal, from the State University Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - Unesp, Marília, Brazil. In the article are presented the data on hospitalizations of elderly for incidents of femoral fracture, mainly by falls in their residences, what could entail in an autonomy lost, pain and sadness. They interviewed 30 elderly in their residences, among them 93% showed signs of depression. The study discusses the importance of actions that could change that reality.
We wish to express our gratitude for the continued partnership of authors, reviewers, section editors and others involved in the editorial process. We wish everyone a great reading!