Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Psychopath of everyday life Pimentel, Déborah
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| · The job - almost impossible - of the psychoanalyst Lopes, Anchyses Jobim
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| · Casa da Árvore, a place for talking and playing: a collective treatment proposal for children from 0 to12 years old in destitute communities in the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Niterói Lima, Beatriz de Souza
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| · The Name of the Father and the social bonds in “Grande Sertão: Veredas” Mendes, Eliana Rodrigues Pereira
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| · Questions about the psychopathology of everyday love Campanário, Isabela Santoro
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| · The media and the mirror of masculinity? Hoenisch, Julio César Diniz; Cirino, Carlos da Silva
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| · Nachträglichkeit: readings about time in metapsychology and clinic Maia, Luís; Andrade, Fernando Cézar Bezerra de
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| · The scorpion and the frog: the point of perversion Ramos, Maria Beatriz Jacques
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| · From the feminine sexuality to the feminine into the human psychosexuality origin Muribeca, Maria das Mercês Maia
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| · The clinic of sexual trauma: mediation and trauma disengagement Bessoles, Philippe; Lago, Marilúcia
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| · What will it be: investigations of passion Gorender, Miriam Elza
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| · The pathologization of normality Ceccarelli, Paulo Roberto
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| · Psychoanalysis and art: the humanization programme in São Lucas hospital in Sergipe Barreto, Ricardo Azevedo
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| · Psychoanalysis, literature and literary criticism Dacorso, Stetina Trani de Meneses e
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