Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · ‘Family’, by Farnese de Andrade: reflections on the feminine, maternal function and new family configurations Lopes, Anchyses Jobim
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| · Breaking the cocoon, seizing the word and self-constituting: a path to the contemporary psychoanalytical clinic Almeida, Angela Maria Menezes de
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| · Jean’s turning point Chaves, Anna Barreto Campello Carvalheira; Queiroz, Edilene Freire de
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| · Scopophilia: on what does the virtual world feeds? Mallmann, Cleo José
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| · From trauma to Ethnomathematics: a professor in search of psychoanalytic guidance Marchon, Fabio Lennon; Arreguy, Marilia Etienne
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| · A place to call their own: use of tattoos for teenagers in socio-educational programs Silva, Gilberto Lucio da; Passos, Maria Consuêlo
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| · CPP’s Psychoanalytic Education: A possible impact of paradigmatic plurality of the institution Lima Filho, Ivo de Andrade
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| · Supervision: An essential hiding place where Carlan, José Renato Berwanger
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| · The dream of Accattone: Psychoanalysis and Cinema in the work of Pier Paolo Pasolini Pasqua, Leonardo Della
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| · Malaise on the triad health professional-parents-infant and its reflexions in the initial bonds Sampaio, Marisa Amorim; Camarotti, Maria do Carmo
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| · Body and pain in scarifying behaviors in adolescence Cardoso, Marta Rezende; Demantova, Aline Gonçalves; Maia, Gabriela Domingues Caetano Soares
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| · Between the guilt feeling and depression: a new translation clinic Muribeca, Maria das Mercês Maia
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| · Sideration, consideration, de-sideration: Desire and knowledge of auguries Lollo, Paolo
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| · Contributions from Psychoanalysis to Neurology Barreto, Ricardo Azevedo
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| · Family structures and ethnic relations in Senegal: a psychoanalytic reading Barreto, Robenilson Moura; Ceccarelli, Paulo Roberto
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| · “Accept that it hurts less” Andrade, Sara Bezerra Costa
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| · Finally together!: Homoaffective conjugality Dacorso, Stetina Trani de Meneses
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