Editorial |
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| Canelas Neto, José Martins |
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Invitation letter |
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At issue death plavra |
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| · Life and deth of the world Ferraz, Flávio Carvalho
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| · Melancholy in Kafka as loss of language: some thoughts on The Burrow Lorenzi, Camila Lousana Pavanelli de
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| · Death and Life of the word in Words to say it Lamanno-Adamo, Vera L. C.
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| · The ideograms of Francesco Trinca, Ricardo Trapé
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| · Martim - kingfisher of the words: the language plot in Clarice Lispector Fonoff, Fernanda Mara Colucci
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| · Castaway words: life histories of a homeless in Brasília Jabur, Pedro de Andrade Calil
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Special |
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| · Fotografia: realidades e ficções Khouri, Magda Guimarães
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| · Os véus e os esconderijos do tempo Socha, Alexandre
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| · Busca de uma fotografia primordial, é possível? Azambuja, Deodato
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| · Fóóóótô! Vergueiro, FranciscaVieitas
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| · Fotografia: o instante e o permanente Souza, Rogério Nogueira Coelho de
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| · Geraldo de barros: jogar com o tempo Rea, Silvana
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Articles |
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| · Psychoanalitical clinic and contemporary art Khouri, Magda Guimarães
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| · Between the films "Black Swan" and "The Westler": doubles, allegories and the question of the death of the significance Oliveira, Richard de; Frayze-Pereira, João A.
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Reviews |
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| · Uma forma de investigação da personalidade Souza, Claudiny A. S. R. de
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| · Interpretações: entre a literatura e a psicanálise Tardivo, Renato
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