Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Political-clinics perspectives: psychoanalysis, autism and the neoliberal reason Moraes, Natália de Andrade de; Perrone, Cláudia Maria
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| · Effects of language incidence on the body of the autistic subject Calzavara, Maria Gláucia Pires; Vorcaro, Ângela Maria Resende
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| · The diagnostic question and its implication in the automatic epidemic Bracks, Mayana; Calazans, Roberto
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| · Die in dribs and drabs: the strategy of an obsessive neurotic by not adhering to treatment Almeida, Gizele Aparecida de; Bispo, Fábio Santos
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| · What is the disabled body?: Ontological assumptions and treatment practices Silva, Diego Rodrigues; Priszkulnik, Leia; Herzberg, Eliana
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| · Psychoanalysis and Scientific Research: the researcher in the position of the analysant Moreira, Jacqueline de Oliveira; Oliveira, Nathiéle Araujo; Costa, Ethyene Andrade
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| · Places and non-places in the virtual world: Notes on creativity and territories of existence in the Web Vilhena, Junia de; Novaes, Joana de Vilhena
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| · Morality and death as defenses against guilt and libidinal dissatisfaction in a tragedy of Nelson Rodrigues Porto, Marcelo Duarte; Martins, Francisco Catunda; Teixeira, Zenaide Dias
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| · When to elaborate leads "to forget": about the creative dimension of forgetfulness Salztrager, Ricardo; Longobuco, Nilcineia Neves
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| · The white ribbon: Psychoanalysis and fascism Gondar, Jô
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Dossier |
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| · The double potentiality of the irrepresentable and the necessary negativity: trauma and death instinct Winograd, Monah
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| · Construction of listening devices for young people in search of a professional future: obstacles and bets of applied psychoanalysis Klautau, Perla; Macedo, Maria Manuela Dias Ramos de
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| · Anguish and shame in the psychoanalytic clinic in poverty situations and other vulnerabilities Martins, Karla Patrícia Holanda; Neves, Beatriz Sernache de Castro; Dauer, Érika Teles; Teixeira, Iara Fernandes
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| · The practice of the psychoanalyst in a craniofacial anomalies treatment unit: the educational ideal, the impasses and the question of the beauty Rase, Lucimara Lopes; Darriba, Vinicius Anciães
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| · Environment and integration in the process of emotional development: considerations based on the experience of working with children at psychosocial Benedito, Maira Brandão; Pinheiro, Nadja Nara Barbosa
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| · Truth as division: ideology between Hegel and Freud Laureano, Pedro Sobrino
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| · When resilience may be a bet for psychoanalysis: clinical amplifications of trauma and mourning Cremasco, Maria Virginia Filomena
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| · Challenges of theoretical: technical link in the children and adolescents' sexual abuse clinic França, Cassandra Pereira; Tannure, Cynthia da Conceição; Rabelo, Danielle Pereira Matos
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| · "Becoming" and "being" a woman: a brief essay on female sexuality Peres, Rodrigo Sanches; Centurion, Neftali Beatriz; Cremasco, Maria Virginia Filomena
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