Articles |
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| · Beyond the phantasy: Psychoanalytical contributions to the possible treatment on psychoses in a Day Hospital Staudt, Luiz Octávio Martins; D'Agord, Marta Regina de Leão
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| · The exercise of the Maternal Function and the woman semblant on Lacan's sexuation table Miranda Junior, Hélio Cardoso
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| · Proper name: theoretical influences and clinical incidences of naming in Lacan's theory Gerber, Keilah Freitas; Zanotti, Susane Vasconcelos
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| · Beyond the intellectual deficit: a psychoanalytic perspective on dementia, weakness and psychosis Silva, Virgínia Célia Carvalho da
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| · An Oedipus without borders: the archaic's insistence on the sex addict Klier, Ney; Cardoso, Marta Rezende
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| · Trauma and injury: some articulations in psychoanalysis Medeiros, Clarice; Fortes, Isabel
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| · Accepting the difference: the function of psychic bisexuality in the construction of subjectivity Carneiro, Cláudia Aparecida; Lazzarini, Eliana Rigotto
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| · A psychoanalytic reading of the body and the resonances of childhood sexual violence Pohl, Katherine; Neves, Anamaria Silva
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| · The function of belief in the therapeutic program of the Alcoholics Anonymous brotherhood: a psychoanalytic study Costa, Raul Max Lucas da; Danziato, Leonardo
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| · Transgenerational psychic transmission: a literature review Padilha, Carolina Rizzatto Martins; Barbieri, Valeria
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| · Trauma in Ferenczi and its unfoldings in the works of Balint and Winnicott: regressions under analysis and their clinical handling Medeiros, Eduardo; Peixoto Junior, Carlos Augusto
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| · Families by adoption in the view of children and their parents Alves, Jéssika Rodrigues; Hueb, Martha Franco Diniz
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Reviews |
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| · Entre o receio e o desejo de separação: um paradoxo na adolescência Fonseca, Fernanda Lima
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