Editorial |
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O Feminino |
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| · A short report on Lacan's ideas about hysteria Laznik, Marie-Christine
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| · Conducting and finalizing analytical treatment: considering feminine enjoyment Castanet, Didier
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| · The devastating effects of a mother-daughter relationship in a high risk case of autism Campanário, Isabela Santoro
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| · Femininity’s courses Medioli, Cristina Gaoni
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Teoria psicanalítica |
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| · Negative therapeutical reaction: clinical incidents Costa, Ângela Maria Diniz
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| · Cuts and effects: Psychoanalysis is the effect of a cut Chaves, Messias Eustáquio
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Psicanálise e literatura |
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| · The absent woman and the overwhelming femininity in Sarapalha Mello, Carlos Antônio Andrade
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| · Freud: Goehte’s double Nogueira, Marcos Eduardo
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Discursos |
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| · Discurso para o término da Diretoria - CPMG - 2005/2007: pedras preciosas Ribeiro, Maria Mazzarello Cotta
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| · Discurso de posse da Diretoria do CPMG: biênio 2007/2009 Salles, Ana Cristina Teixeira da Costa
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