| Table of contents Psico (Porto Alegre) vol.47 no.4 Porto Alegre 2016 Original Articles | | | | · Analysis of sexual risk behavior for hiv infection in adults in the general population Pereira, Thalita Galeno; Araújo, Ludgleydson Fernandes de; Negreiros, Fauston; Barros Neto, Raimundo Nonato de Sousa
| | | | · Depression and subject well-being in children and adolescents: testing theoretical models Baptista, Makilim Nunes; Hauck Filho, Nelson; Cardoso, Cassandra
| | | | · Social skills and risk and protective factors in emerging adulthood Pereira, Anderson Siqueira; Dutra-Thomé, Luciana; Koller, Silvia Helena
| | | | · Father-child interaction and externalizing behaviors in childhood Freitas, Luna Maiana Araújo; Alvarenga, Patrícia
| | | | · Reasons for avoidance, academic experiences and career adaptability in university Ambiel, Rodolfo Augusto Matteo; Santos, Acácia Aparecida Angeli dos; Dalbosco, Simone Nenê Portela
| | | | · Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45.2): assessment of the psychometric properties using bifactor model and IRT Silva, Sonia Maria da; Alves, Iraí Cristina Boccato; Peixoto, Evandro Morais; Rocha, Glaucia Mitsuko Ataka; Nakano, Tatiana de Cássia
| | | | · Imprisoned fathers: narratives of inmates about the experience of fatherhood in prison Miranda, Márcia Lepiani Angelini; Granato, Tania Mara Marques
| | | | · Social representations of aging and rejuvenation for women who adopt rejuvenation practices Castro, Amanda; Antunes, Larissa; Brito, Annie Mehes Maldonado; Camargo, Brigido Vizeu
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