Editorial |
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| · Comprometimento
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Original Article |
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| · Phonological habilities,reading and writing of individuals with hemiparetic cerebral palsy Ferreira, Tais de Lima; Capellini, Simone Aparecida; Ciasca, Sylvia Maria
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| · An investigation about child playing within the Winnicott's perspective, on the time-space in the kindergarten: contributions of the Psychoanalysis for the Education Kawagoe, Vanêssa R. P.; Sonzogno, Maria Cecília
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Special article |
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| · The quality of the education in Brazil: a problem of methodology? Angelini, Rossana Aparecida Vieira Maia
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| · Advances of Psychopedagogy in Sergipe Costa, Auredite Cardoso
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Review article |
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| · Neuropsychology of learning Paula, Giovana Romero; Beber, Bárbara Costa; Baggio, Sandra Boschi; Petry, Tiago
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| · Overcoming limits: Vygotsky's contribution to special education Costa, Dóris Anita Freire
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| · The school (in) discipline in the Piaget's, Winnicott's and Vygotsky's perspectives Godoy, Célia; Abdon, Glaucy; Lopes, Ivanil Correa; Martins, Lilian Cássia Bacich; Gramstrup, Silvia Regina; Leal, Wedja Oliveira; Castanho, Marisa Irene Siqueira
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| · Professional formation in Psychopedagogy: collisions and challenges Masini, Elcie F. Salzano
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| · The Psychopedagogy and the aspects of the interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity Gasparian, Maria Cecília Castro
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Review |
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| · Aprendizagem: tramas do conhecimento, do saber e da subjetividade
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