Editorial |
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Special article |
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| · La potencia atencional de la alegría Fernández, Alicia
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| · The teacher's cry: from the implicit to the explicit Portilho, Evelise Maria Labatut; Barbosa, Laura Monte Serrat
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Original Article |
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| · Relation between the point of view of parents and teachers about the DCD with the results of motor tests in students from 1st to 4th grades of elementary school of public education Valle, Talita Regina; Capellini, Simone Aparecida
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| · Characterization of motor performance in students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Toniolo, Cintia Sicchieri; Santos, Lara Cristina Antunes dos; Lourenceti, Maria Dalva; Padula, Niura Aparecida de Moura Ribeiro; Capellini, Simone Aparecida
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| · Learning failures, personal perceptions and exclusions in the process of school attendance Gomes, Claudia; Souza, Vera Lucia Trevisan de
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| · Reading comprehension, velocity, fluency and precision in the second grade of elementary school Mousinho, Renata; Mesquita, Fernanda; Leal, Josi; Pinheiro, Lia
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| · Inclusive education: parents and teachers perspectives Cintra, Gilcineia Maria Silveira; Rodrigues, Sonia das Dores; Ciasca, Sylvia Maria
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| · Use of neuropsychological tests for the assessment of learning disabilities Oliveira, Camila Rosa de; Rodrigues, Jaqueline de Carvalho; Fonseca, Rochele Paz
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| · Draw-a-person intellectual ability test for children, adolescents and adults, DAP: IQ (Reynolds and Hickman, 2004) Soto, César Merino; Mendoza, Luis Honores; Ramírez, Walter García
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Review article |
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| · Characterization and correlation of developmental dyslexia and auditory processing Barreto, Monique Antunes de Souza Chelminski
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| · The programs of initial professional qualification: an experience in an adaptative class Martínez, Blanca Arteaga
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| · From exclusion to inclusion: a way to understand and deal with cultural diversity in school institutions García, Mercedes García; Corona, Diana García; López, Chantal Biencinto; Barberá, Coral González
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View Point |
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| · Inclusive education: relevant aspects Dota, Fernanda Piovesan; Álvaro, Denise Maria Alves
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Interview |
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| · Reflexões sobre bakthin e vygotsky Drudi, Sílvia Regina; Polifemi, Marcos Cesar
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Review |
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| · Psicanálise e educação: construção do vínculo e desenvolvimento do pensar
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| · Psicopedagogia dos fantoches: jogo de imaginar, construir e narrar Rodrigues, Janua Celi
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