| Table of contents Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. vol.20 no.2 São Paulo Aug. 2010 Editorial | | | | · Editorial
| | | | · Living and not be ashamed to be happy! Gallo, Paulo Rogério
| | | Original Research | | | | · Secular trend of growth of preschool, Brazil Nascimento, Viviane Gabriela; Bertoli, Ciro João; Bertoli, Lucia Musmê Queiroga; Feferbaun, Rubens; Abreu, Luiz Carlos de; Leone, Claudio
| | | | · Qualitative analysis of dentists´ perceptions involved in patient care with special needs from municipal services Fonseca, Alexandre Luiz Affonso; Azzalis, Ligia Ajaime; Fonseca, Fernando Luiz Affonso; Botazzo, Carlos
| | | | · The daily experiences of families with children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis Costa, Anne Shirley Menezes; Britto, Murilo Carlos Amorim; Nóbrega, Sheva Maia; Vasconcelos, Maria Gorete Lucena de; Lima, Luciane Soares de
| | | | · Children who use mental health services: characterization of the population in a city in southern brazil Delvan, Josiane da Silva; Portes, João Rodrigo Maciel; Cunha, Maiara Pereira; Menezes, Marina; Legal, Eduardo José
| | | | · Investigation of the notion of conservation of discreet quantities between premature and full term pre-school children by means of the game of domino Stursa, Daiana; Queiroz, Sávio Silveira de; Enumo, Sônia Regina Fiorim
| | | | · Motor learning in children with cerebral palsy Monteiro, Carlos Bandeira de Mello; Jakabi, Cristiane Matsumoto; Palma, Gisele Carla dos Santos; Torriani-Pasin, Camila; Meira Junior, Cassio de Miranda
| | | | · Value of the electroencephalogram in the assessment of suspected neuropsychomotor development delay in children with epilepsy Winckler, Diego Carrão; Jeremias, Valéria Winkaler; Geib, Lorena Teresinha Consalter; Migott, Ana Maria Bellani; Giacomini, Fernando Luiz; Nunes, Magda Lahorgue
| | | | · Mother's and newborn's plasmatic concentration of micronutrients at the moment of childbirth Bertoli, Ciro João; Leone, Claudio; Junqueira, Virginia B.V.; Carrazza, Francisco Roque
| | | | · Effects of delayed cord clamping on hemoglobin values in infants born to anemic and non anemic mothers Mondini, Lenise; Levy, Renata Bertazzi; Souza, José Maria Pacheco de; Alves, Maria Cecília Goi Porto; Saldiva, Sílvia Regina Dias Médici; Tanaka, Luana Fiengo; Venancio, Sonia Isoyama
| | | | · Factors which influence weaning in preterm infant Silva, Solange Maria de Saboia e; Segre, Conceição Aparecida de Mattos
| | | | · Prevalence of asphyxia and perinatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in term newborns, considering two diagnostic criteria Cruz, Ana Cristina Silvestre da; Ceccon, Maria Esther Jurfest
| | | | · Needs and expectations of adults who bring children at health consultation Assis, Luana Conceição Fortes; Veríssimo, Maria de La Ó Ramallo
| | | | · Measures to assess the relationship between parents and children Lago, Vivian de Medeiros; Amaral, Cassiane Echevenguá dos Santos; Bosa, Cleonice Alves; Bandeira, Denise Ruschel
| | | Review | | | | · Motor prognosis and current perspectives in cerebral palsy Rebel, Marcos Ferreira; Rodrigues, Rafaela Fintelman; Araújo, Alexandra Prufer de Queiroz Campos; Corrêa, Clynton Lourenço
| | | | · Protective elements of breast milk in the prevention of gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases Passanha, Adriana; Cervato-Mancuso, Ana Maria; Silva, Maria Elisabeth Machado Pinto e
| | | Opinion Article | | | | · Piaget's genetic epistemology and constructivism Abreu, Luiz Carlos de; Oliveira, Márcio Alves de; Carvalho, Tatiana Dias de; Martins, Sonia R.; Gallo, Paulo Rogério; Reis, Alberto Olavo Advíncula
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