Editorial |
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| · Obesity-related conditions in secondary interface of growth and development Abreu, Luiz Carlos de
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Original Research |
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| · Classification of gross motor function injury and body mass índex in children with cerebral palsy Souza, Karina Emi Shigekawa de; Sankako, Andréia Naomi; Carvalho, Sebastião Marcos Ribeiro de; Braccialli, Lígia Maria Presumido
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| · Intra-and interobserver reproducibility in the cobb angle in scoliosis patients Sperandio, Fabiana Flores; Tavares, Graziela Morgana Silva; Santos, Gilmar Moraes
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| · Nutritional status and gross motor development of infants between six and eighteen months of age Frônio, Jaqueline da Silva; Coelho, Alessandra Regina; Graças, Lillian Aparecida; Ribeiro, Luiz Cláudio
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| · Beliefs about practices: study on mothers primiparous from urban and no-urban context Silva, Raimundo Arão; Magalhães, Celina Maria Colino
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| · Strategies for evaluation of an educational material in eye health Zombini, Edson Vanderlei; Pelicioni, Maria Cecília Focesi
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| · Parental behavior and the role of father in the child development Manfroi, Edi Cristina; Macarini, Samira Mafioletti; Vieira, Mauro Luis
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| · The interference of asthma in children's everyday Trinca, Marisa Augusta; Bicudo, Isabel M. P.; Pelicioni, Maria Cecília F.
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| · Instruments of evaluation of child development of premature newborns Silva, Naíme Diane Sauaia Holanda; Lamy Filho, Fernando; Gama, Mônica Elinor Alves; Lamy, Zeni de Carvalho; Pinheiro, André do Lago; Silva, Diego do Nascimento
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| · Clinical and epidemiological profile of children and adolescents who live with spina bifida Gaíva, Maria Aparecida Munhoz; Corrêa, Emanuelle Righetto; Santo, Elisete Ap. Rubira do Espírito
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| · Effects of the prematurity on the development of lactentes Rodrigues, Olga Maria Piazentin Rolim; Bolsoni-Silva, Alessandra Turini
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| · Escalas de desenvolvimento motor em lactentes: test of infant motor performance e a alberta infant motor scale Herrero, Dafne; Gonçalves, Helena; Siqueira, Arnaldo Augusto Franco de; Abreu, Luiz Carlos de
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| · Characterization of performance of children with developmental dyslexia in writing tasks Machado, Andréa Carla; Capellini, Simone Aparecida
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| · Youngsters and resilience: experience with joungsters in vulnerability condition Xavier, Karla Rampim; Conchão, Silmara; Carneiro Junior, Nivaldo
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| · Prevalence of falls in women after menopause Rezende, Débora Aparecida Paccola de; Pereira, Wendry Maria Paixão; Schmitt, Ana Carolina Basso; Pereira, Elaine Cristina Alves; Aldrighi, José Mendes
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| · Micronutrients in child growth and development Pedraza, Dixis Figueroa; Queiroz, Daiane de
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