| Table of contents Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. vol.21 no.3 São Paulo 2011 Editorial | | | | · Dinâmica familiar, morte dos pais e saúde da criança Demarzo, Marcelo Marcos Piva
| | | Original Research | | | | · Parents' death and its implications for child survival Atrash, Hani K.
| | | | · Beginning of sexual life of adolescents in Santiago Island, Cape Verde, West Africa Tavares, Carlos Mendes; Kanikadan, Paula Yuri Sugishita; Alencar, Airlane Pereira; Schor, Néia
| | | Lipid profile in overweight children and adolescents Ramos, Alessandra Teixeira; Carvalho, Danielle Franklin de; Gonzaga, Nathalia Costa; Cardoso, Anajás da Silva; Noronha, Juliana Andreia Fernandes; Cardoso, Maria Aparecida Alves
| | | Original Research | | | | · Nutritional status and habits of life in school children Medeiros, Carla Campos Muniz; Cardoso, Maria Aparecida Alves; Pereira, Renner Augusto Raposo; Alves, Guilherme Tarso de Andrade; França, Inacia Sátiro Xavier de; Coura, Alexsandro Silva; Carvalho, Danielle Franklim de
| | | | · Cutoff for body mass index in adolescents: comparison with national and international reference standards Mascarenhas, Luis P. G.; Smolarek, André de C.; Bozza, Rodrigo; Boguszewski, Margaret C. S.; Prati, Francisca Sonia; Stabelini Neto, Antonio; Campos, Wagner de; Modesto, Marilza J.; Amer, Nadia Mohamad; Krinski, Kleverton; Elsangedy, Hassan Mohamed
| | | | · Relationship analysis between visual-motor integration ability and academic performance Pereira, Débora Morais; Araújo, Rita de Cássia Tibério; Braccialli, Ligia Maria Presumido
| | | | · The perception of shelter care educators: their work and the institutionalized child Magalhães, Celina Maria Colino; Costa, Lígia Negrão; Cavalcante, Lília Iêda Chaves
| | | | · The sinasc descentralization and the completeness of variables on birth certificates, in municipalities of minas gerais froM 1998 to 2005 Guimarães, Eliete Albano de Azevedo; Loyola Filho, Antônio Ignácio de; Hartz, Zulmira Maria de Araújo; Meira, Antônio José de; Luz, Zélia Maria Profeta
| | | | · Broadcasting as a mechanism for consumer participation in the context of delivery health care Gallo, Paulo Rogério; Blake, Márcia de Toledo; Motta-Gallo, Sophia Karlla Almeida
| | | | · Performance cognitive-linguistic and reading of students with attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder Silva, Cláudia da; Cunha, Vera Lúcia Orlandi; Capellini, Simone Aparecida
| | | | · Youth participation and health promotion: strategy for human development Guimarães, Jamile Silva; Lima, Isabel Maria Sampaio Oliveira
| | | | · Emotional factors, life quality and adhesion of treatment in adult with diabetes type 2 Ramos, Luciane; Ferreira, Eleonora Arnaud Pereira
| | | | · Underweight and overweight in school children from Rio Branco, Acre State, BraziL Souza, Orivaldo Florencio de; Farias, Edson dos Santos
| | | | · Evaluation of intervention programs with adolescents: limits, progress and prospects Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio; Manzi-Oliveira, Alana Batistuta; Casarini, Karin Aparecida; Jacquemin, Roberta Cury; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
| | | | · Childhood depression and psychocognitive development: description of causality relationships Rolim Neto, Modesto Leite; Silva, Thalita do Nascimento; Assunção Filho, José Kleber Mota; Carvalho, Rebeca de Sousa; Teixeira, Saulo Araújo; Lima, Nádia Nara Rolim; Pedroso, Daniela; Cartaxo, Jesus de Souza; Demarzo, Marcelo Marcos Piva; Duarte Júnior, Jesualdo Alves; Reis, Alberto Olavo Advíncula
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