| Table of contents Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. vol.23 no.1 São Paulo 2013 Editorial | | | | · Impact of birth-weight on adult minor illness Mukerji, Amit; Belik, Jaques
| | | The impact of birthweight on adult minor illness: a study on a sub-clinical population Bellingham-Young, Denise A.; Adamson-Macedo, Elvidina N.
| | | Knowledge about smoking among schoolchildren Vitta, Alberto De; Silva, Daniela Tomazini da; Vitta, Fabiana Cristina Frigieri De; Conti, Marta Helena Souza de; Vieira, Leila Maria; Marta, Sara Nader; Gatti, Márcia Aparecida Nuevo; Simeão, Sandra Fiorelli de Almeida Penteado
| | | Excessive daytime sleepnessand cardiometabolic risk factors in children and teenagers with overweight Sena, Aline Silva Santos; Cardoso, Anajás da Silva; Carvalho, Danielle Franklin de; Medeiros, Jovany Luís; Coutinho, Giselda Félix; Albuquerque, Fernanda Cruz de Lira; Medeiros, Carla Campos Muniz
| | | Translation, adaptation and content validation of section i of the scale "assessment of peer relations" into the portuguese language: "assessment of peer relations"para o idioma português Soares, Elsa; Serrano, Ana; Guralnick, Michael J.
| | | Language disorders associated with deafness Oliveira, Letícia Neves de; Goulart, Bárbara Niegia Garcia de; Chiari, Brasilia Maria
| | | Time lapsed between sexual aggression and arrival at the brazilian health service Vertamatti, Maria Auxiliadora F.; Abreu, Luiz Carlos de; Drezett, Jefferson; Valenti, Vitor E.; Barbosa, Caio Parente
| | | Clinical epidemiological profile of tuberculosis in childhood and adolescence Zombini, Edson Vanderlei; Almeida, Carlos Henrique David de; Silva, Fernanda Palma Curvelo Vilar; Yamada, Elza Sumie; Komatsu, Naomi Kawaoka; Figueiredo, Sumie Matai de
| | | Perceptions of caregivers of patients with cow's milk allergy regarding the treatment Yonamine, Glauce Hiromi; Contim, Divanice; Castro, Ana Paula Beltran Moschione; Jacob, Cristina Miuki Abe; Pastorino, Antonio Carlos
| | | Prevalence of obesity and the body fat topography in children and teenagers with down syndrome Bertapelli, Fabio; Gorla, José Irineu; Silva, Fábia Freire da; Costa, Leonardo Trevisan
| | | Assessment of temperament at 13 and 24 months usingmaternal report: validation of the portuguese version of infant characteristics questionnaire Carneiro, Alexandra; Dias, Pedro; Magalhães, Carla; Soares, Isabel; Rangel-Henriques, Margarida; Silva, Joana; Marques, Sofia; Baptista, Joana
| | | Stress in children and adolescents with asthma Mendes, Marco Aurélio; Sant'Anna, Clemax Couto; March, Maria de Fátima Bazhuni Pombo
| | | The influence of television on the eating habits of brazilian northeast children Motta-Gallo, Sophia; Gallo, Paulo; Cuenca, Angela
| | | Relationship between cardiac autonomic regulation and auditory mechanisms: importance for growth and development Valenti, Vitor E.; Guida, Heraldo L.; Monteiro, Carlos Bandeira de Mello; Vanderlei, Luiz Carlos M.; Ferreira, Lucas Lima; Ferreira, Celso; Carvalho, Tatiana Dias de; Roque, Adriano L.; Silva, Talita Dias da; Manhabusque, Katia Valeria; Abreu, Luiz Carlos de
| | | Inter-sector actions to prevent accidents in children education: Teacher's assessments and students' knowledge Nascimento, Edinalva Neves; Gimeniz-Paschoal, Sandra Regina; Sebastião, Luciana Tavares; Ferreira, Natália de Paula
| | | Tetraparetic children and caregivers: featuring the profile and accessibility assistive technology Alcassa, Tatiana Cristina; Filipini, Rosangela; Garcia, Jesus Carlos Delgado; Amarante, Sandra Terezinha; Adami, Fernando; Luz, Maria Claudia de Brito; Pimentel, Renata Macedo Martins; Azzalis, Ligia Ajaime; Junqueira, Virginia Berlanga Campos; Fonseca, Fernando Luiz Affonso
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