| Table of contents Rev. bras. crescimento desenvolv. hum. vol.23 no.2 São Paulo 2013 Editorial | | | | · Perinatal health and translational medicine Figueiredo, José Luiz; Vinegoni, Claudio; Abreu, Luiz Carlos de
| | | Original Research | | | | · Back pain and the postural and behavioral habits of students in the municipal school network of Teutônia, Rio Grande do Sul Noll, Matias; Candotti, Cláudia Tarragô; Rosa, Bruna Nichele da; Schoenell, Maira Cristina Wolf; Tiggemann, Carlos Leandro; Loss, Jefferson Fagundes
| | | | · Characterization of umami taste sensitivity in children with and without cancer Elman, Ilana; Geraldo, Ana Paula Gines; Karcher, Cristiane; Pinto-e-Silva, Maria Elisabeth Machado
| | | | · Effect of sedentary lifestyle, nutritional status and sex on the flexibility of students Graciosa, Maylli Daiani; Coelho, Jerusa Jordão; Costa, Letícia Miranda Resende da; Medeiros, Daiane Lazzeri De; Martinello, Micheli; Ries, Lilian Gerdi Kittel
| | | | · Quality of child health care in the family health strategy Sales, Maria Lucélia da Hora; Ponnet, Liz; Campos, Carlos Eduardo Aguilera; Demarzo, Marcelo Marcos Piva; Miranda, Cláudio Torres de
| | | | · Quality of life questionnaire for children with cerebral palsy (CP QOL-Child): translation and cultural adaptation for brazilian portuguese language Braccialli, Lígia Maria Presumido; Braccialli, Ana Carla; Sankako, Andréia Naomi; Dechandt, Maria Luiza da Costa; Almeida, Vanessa da Silva; Carvalho, Sebastião Marcos Ribeiro de
| | | | · Body composition and chest expansion of type II and III spinal muscular atrophy patients Sousa, Raíssa Christina Mendes de; Dias, Cristina Márcia; Costa, Susana Ortiz; Ferreira, Arthur de Sá; Souza, Carla Peixoto Vinha de; Araújo, Alexandra Prufer de Queiroz Campos; Mainenti, Míriam Raquel Meira
| | | | · Body weight perception and associated factors in students Pereira, Fernanda Nascimento; Oliveira, Jéssica Rodrigues de; Zöllner, Cristina Carpentieri; Gambardella, Ana Maria Dianezi
| | | | · Parents perception about communication disordens in childhood Wolff, Gabriela Stabel; Goulart, Bárbara Niegia Garcia de
| | | | · Occupational infection by the hepatitis B virus: risk and prevention measures Lima, Bruno Francisco Real de; Waffae, Maria Cristina; Figueiredo, Elizabeth Niglio de; Filipinni, Rosangela; Luz, Maria Claudia de Brito; Azzalis, Ligia Ajaime; Junqueira, Virginia Berlanga Campos; Fonseca, Fernando Luiz Affonso; Chaves, Loide Corina
| | | | · Groggy and with tied hands: the first contact with the newborn according to women that had an unwanted c-section Salgado, Heloisa de Oliveira; Niy, Denise Yoshie; Diniz, Carmen Simone Grilo
| | | | · Body proportions in children and adolescents with Down syndrome Costa, Leonardo Trevisan; Freire, Fábia; Bertapelli, Fábio; Campos, Luis Felipe Castelli Correia de; Santos, Luiz Gustavo T. Fabrício dos; Gorla, José Irineu
| | | | · Risk factors for recurrent wheezing in infants Lustosa, Wellyne Alves; Melo, Marta Lígia Vieira; Isidório, Ubiraídys de Andrade; Sousa, Milena Nunes Alves de; Abreu, Luiz Carlos de; Valenti, Vitor E.; Cardoso, Marco A.; Assis, Elisangela Vilar de
| | | | · Motor intervention on children with school learning dificulties Fernani, Deborah Cristina Gonçalves Luiz; Prado, Maria Tereza Artero; Fell, Rayza Fabiane; Reis, Nelline Largueza dos; Bofi, Tânia Cristina; Ribeiro, Eliane Beraldi; Blake, Márcia de Toledo; Monteiro, Carlos Bandeira de Mello
| | | Instruments of assessment for first two years of life of infant Moreira, Rafaela Silva; Figueiredo, Elyonara Mello de
| | | Original Research | | | | · Group actions to promote the adolescents health Macedo, Etiene Oliveira Silva de; Conceição, Maria Inês Gandolfo
| | | | · Cultural aspects for offering pacifiers to children Dadalto, Elâine Cristina Vargas; Rosa, Edinete Maria
| | | | · Incidence and characteristics of insufficient birth weight newborns from a cohort of neonates in a public regional hospital of a metropolitan area Costa, Roberta S.; Caldevilla, Daniel E.; Gallo, Paulo Rogério; Sena, Brena Figueiredo; Leone, Claudio
| | | Review | | | | · The challenge of the public communication of science public communication of science in Brazil Gallo, Sophia Karlla Almeida Motta
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