| Table of contents Mudanças vol.28 no.2 São Paulo July/Dec. 2020 Empirical Articles | | | | · Stress symptoms of mozambican psychology students Matsinhe, Mário da Cruz Elias; Cândido, Antónia Maria; Abacar, Mussa; Aliante, Gildo
| | | | · Advantages and disadvantages perceived by key populations in the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis Batista, Amanda Trajano; Saldanha, Ana Alayde Werba; Furtado, Francisca Marina Freire
| | | | · Depressive symptoms and associated factors in postpartum women at a teaching hospital in Cuiabá/MT Almeida, Alessandra Messias de; Ribeiro, Rosangela Kátia Sanches Mazzorana
| | | | · Contributions of psychoanalysis to performance at the cardiology clinic BorgesJunior, Dorivaldo Pantoja; Oliveira, Gabrielle de Kassia Carrera de; Vasconcelos, Ana Carolina Peck
| | | Experience Reports | | | | · Violence against children in primary health care: a matrix support proposal Batista, Mitlene Kaline Bernardo; Quirino, Túlio Romério Lopes; Silva, Maria Vanessa da
| | | Literature Review | | | | · Quality of life of black women with breast cancer: a literature review Santos, Esthér Aparecida Silva dos; Araujo, Tereza Cristina Cavalcanti Ferreira de
| | | | · Skin picking: diagnosis and intervention - a systematic review of literature Tanizaka, Hugo; Giusti, Amanda; Santos, Karen; Frugoli, Rosa
| | | | · Parental Narcissism and Depression in the Child's Cancer Alves, Carina Cannavô; Paraboni, Patrícia
| | | | · The diagnosis of hypersexual disorder under (psycho)analysis Sena, Rômulo Mágnus de Castro; Steinberg, Deborah; Sena, Patrícia Rakel de Castro; Nascimento, Ellany Gurgel Cosme do; Maia, Eulália Maria Chaves
| | | Bibliographic Reviews | | | | · Perception of psychoactive substance use in university students: an integrative review Lins, Emerson Feitosa; Barbosa, Kevan Guilherme Nóbrega; Ribeiro, Mara Cristina
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