Editorial |
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Artciles |
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| · International friendships: overview of empirical literature and a descriptive study Souza, Luciana Karine de; Sediyama, Cristina Yumi Nogueira
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| · The mediathic organization of a periphery ethos from television narratives Paim, Denise Regina da Cruz; Cé, João Pedro; Scarparo, Helena Beatriz Kochenborger; Pizzinato, Adolfo
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| · Foolish affects: homosexuality and homophobia in brazilian soap opera Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
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| · The 'heads' of the chamber of deputies of Brazil: political career homogeneous and elitist (1995-2002) Felisbino, Riberti Almeida
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| · Communitarian activity and awareness: an investugation from social participation Vieira, Emanuel Meireles; Ximenes, Verônica Morais
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| · Micropolitics of activity Zamboni, Jésio; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de
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| · History of space and government in Foucault Michel Lemos, Flávia Cristina Silveira
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| · Designon the subject in Freud and Lacan Barroso, Adriane de Freitas
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| · The teaching of philosophy in hegelian perspective Lauxen, Roberto Roque
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| · Potencies in the health field: care as na ethical, political, esthetical experience Bernardes, Anita Guazelli
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| · Health indicators in the view of managers of the municipalities in the 13 th regional health district - RS Weigelt, Leni Dias; Mancio, Juliana Garcia; Petry, Elton Luis da Silva
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