Articles |
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| · Factorial validity of the psychologists burnout inventory in a psychologist mexican sample Moreno-Jiménez, Bernardo; Meda-Lara, Rosa; Morante-Benadero, María Eugenia; Rodríguez-Muñoz, Alfredo; Palomera-Chávez, Andrés
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| · The emergence of metalinguistic abilities Flórez-Romero, Rita; Torrado-Pacheco, María Cristina; Magnolia Mesa, Carol
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| · Relations between motivation and writing Caso-Fuertes, Ana María de; García-Sánchez, Jesús Nicaso
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| · Attachment, emotion and emocional regulation: Implications for health Garrido-Rojas, Luzmenia
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| · A critical view of the approach of fast and frugal heuristics García-Retamero, Rocio; Dieckmann, Anja
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| · A scale for the identification of behavioral change in women in a violent marital relationship Ospina, Doris; Estela Jaramillo, Diva; María Uribe, Tulia; Cabarcas-Iglesias, Germán
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| · Comparison of three types of treatment for squizophrenia: psychosocial therapy, musictherapy, and multiple therapies Valencia, Marcelo; Murow, Esther; Luisa Rascón, María
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| · Empirically supported psychological treatments in Chile and Argentina Vera-Villarroel, Pablo; Mustaca, Alba
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| · Cross-sectional analysis of the big five factors of personality across age and sex groups in a spanish children's sample Barrio Gándara, María Victoria del; Carrasco Ortiz, Miguel Ángel; Holgado Tello, Francisco Pablo
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| · Alternative satatistical procedures to assess the robustness using repeated measures designs Livacic-Rojas, Pablo; Vallejo, Guillermo; Fernández, Paula
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Books |
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| González Reyes, Rodrigo Esteban |
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| Gutierrez, Germán |
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| Elisabeth Mustaca, Alba |
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| Alejandro Pineda, Carlos |
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| Vargas Palma, Anayanci; Clavijo, Arturo |
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| Pérez-Acosta, Andrés M. |
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| Rojas Arias, Patricia |
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| Cortés Ramírez, Dennys Andrea |
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| Carlos Riveros, Juan |
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| Castrillón Moreno, Diego |
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The world of psychology |
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| · Gustavo Torroella González-Mora (1918-2006): pionero de la psicología en Cuba Román Hernández, Jorge
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| · Michael J. Mahoney (1942-2006) Rodas Valencia, Rodrigo
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| · Revista de historia de la psicología Vicenta Mestre, María
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