Articles |
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| · Effect of training on subjective calibration of sucess in verbal tasks Macbeth, Guillermo; Cortada de Kohan, Nuria
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| · Processing of coumpound stimuli in causality judgements García-Retamero, Rocío; Ramos, Manuel; Catena, Andrés
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| · Development of understanding of emotional consequences León-Rodríguez, Diego A.; Sierra-Mejía, Hernán
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| · Validation of the multiple intelligences self-efficacy inventory revised (MISEI-R) R. Pérez, Edgardo; Cupani, Marcos
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| · Coping mechanisms in families' victims of economic extortive kidnapping Navia, Carmen Elvira
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| · The role of experience on acceptance vs. rejection of the patient with schizophrenia Senra-Rivera, Carmen; Arriba-Rossetto, Alessandra de; Seoane-Pesqueira, Gloria
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| · Analysis of an arithmetic test by means of a logistic linear trait model Romero-Martinez, Sonia J.; Ponsoda-Gil, Vicente; Ximénez, Carmen
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| · Nociceptive effects of a synthetic nootrope peptide in rats Pilar Santacruz, María Del; Oyuela-Vargas, Raúl; Briñez-Orta, José Arturo; Echeverry, Sandra Lucía; Lareo, Leonardo
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| · Academic goals as predictors of achievement in different school subjects Valle, Antonio; Núñez, José Carlos; G. Cabanach, Ramón; Rodríguez, Susana; González-Pienda, Julio A.; Rosário, Pedro
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| · Attentional strategies and academic achievement in secondary education Tejedor-Tejedor, Francisco Javier; González-Gonzáles, Salvador Guillermo; García-Señorán, María del Mar
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| · Funcional analysis and intervention using a token economy and a contingency contract in three cases of disruptive behaviors in school Aguilar, Concepción; I. Navarro, José
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| · Four decades of developmental psychology in the Latin American Journal of Psychology Carrilo-Ávila, Sonia; Ripoll-Nuñez, Karen; Ruiz, José Ignacio
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Books |
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| Vargas, Diana Paola |
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| Montoya Loaiza, Bibiana |
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| Riveros, Juan Carlos |
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| Sánchez Martínez, Henrry |
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| Olivares Faúndez, Víctor E. |
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| Rivero Fernández, Reyes |
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| Puentes Escamilla, Miguel Andrés |
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| Espada, Jose Pedro |
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| Quiroga, Luis |
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| Manso-Pinto, Juan |
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The world of psychology |
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| · Albert Ellis (1913-2007) Lega, Leonor; Velten, Emmett
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