Editorial |
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| Tanis, Bernardo |
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Dialogue |
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| · Lilian Santiago Ramos: quando a filosofia encontra a moda
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Interview Comments |
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| · Fashion, desire, transience Khouri, Magda Guimarães
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| · Fashion, shoes and brands Minerbo, Marion
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Thematic Articles: Narcissism |
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| · One hundred years of narcissism: short of psychoanalysis and beyond Freud Falcão, Luciane
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| · Narcissism: according to Heinz Kohut and intersubjectivity Neves, Leticia Tavares
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| · The metamorphosis of narcissism: Lacan, the mirror stage and aggressiveness Meyer, Alan Victor
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| · Oedipus and Narcissus at the crossroads in Potnias and at Mount Fikion Hartke, Raul
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| · The narcissistic perversion, a concept in evolution Eiguer, Alberto; Berliner, Claudia
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| · Narcissism, common sense and otherness: the foundations of a psychoanalytic ethics Moguillansky, Rodolfo
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Interface |
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| · Caetano Veloso: body, clothing, and music challenging the military dictatorship in Brazil Rainho, Maria do Carmo Teixeira
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Articles |
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| · About sexual drives in today's youngsters: vicissitudes from latency period to adolescence Araújo, Marlene Silveira; Brunstein, Carla; Menegat, Maria Clélia de Barros; Vasconcellos, Maria Cristina Garcia; Wenzel, Maristela Priotto; Vasconcellos, Nazur Aragonez de; Golbert, Suzana Iankilevich
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| · Of men and wolves: subjectivity and animality Laureano, Pedro Sobrino
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| · If God is an illusion, I am the fruit of His creation: the psychoanalyst, his religiosity and religion Levisky, David Léo
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| · Annihilation and mutilation - different psychic dilemmas discussed from “Wolf Man” and “Little Hans” Durski, Ligia Maria; Pinheiro, Nadja Nara Barbosa
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Interchange |
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| · The narcissistic-identity trauma and its transference Roussillon, René; Berliner, Claudia
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Book Reviews |
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| · Obras incompletas de Sigmund Freud Susemihl, Elsa Vera Kunze Post
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| · O tronco e os ramos: estudos de história da psicanálise Kon, Noemi Moritz; Majolo, Thiago Pereira
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| · Reverie e interpretação: captando algo humano Barros, Elias Mallet da Rocha
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| · A sombra da mãe: psicanálise e vara de família Bracco, Mariangela Kamnitzer
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Releases |
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