Editorial |
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| · Além do princípio do prazer Massi, Marina
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Dialogue |
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| · Ontological psychoanalysis or "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Ogden, Thomas H.
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Beyond the pleasure bases |
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| · Beyond the pleasure principle: between life and death drives Delouya, Daniel
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| · What is beyond the pleasure principle? Alencar, Denise
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| · On the edge: looking for representations for what has no explanation and never will França, Cassandra Pereira
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| · Black canticle: the clinical use of the death instinct concept Barison, Osvaldo Luís
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| · Fort-da as the limit of representativeness and temporalization of experience Velano, Marília Franco e Silva; Fulgencio, Leopoldo
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Interface |
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| · The witness and the accusation: about the transition from murdered father to dead father Vidal, Manola
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Other Words |
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| · O umbigo da língua no Moisés de Freud Parente, Alessandra Affortunati Martins
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| · Again: ¿por qué la guerra? Boianovsky, Daniela
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| · The missing Bion: considerations on object relations and intersubjectivity in psychoanalytic theories Figueiredo, Luís Claudio
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| · From cockroaches to termites: literature and figurability Vale, Keyla Carolina Perim; Borges, Luana Silva
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Projects and Research |
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| · The uncanny Inhotim: psychoanalysis under the open sky Halperin, Celso
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History of Psychoanalysis |
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| · To locate the death drive concept: forgotten minute of the Vienna Psychoanalytical Society Colabone, Marta Raquel; Prado, Luiz Eduardo
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| · Fresh old news from Ferenczi about how dreams work: the dream as a Kur, the dream as a gyógyászat Molin, Eugênio Canesin Dal
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Book Reviews |
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| · Sartre ou o inconsciente como álibi Detoni, Maria Célia
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| · Psicanálise de casal e família: desafios clínicos e ampliações teóricas Kopittke, Cynara Cezar
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| · Manual da prática clínica em psicologia e psicopatologia Litvin, Ester Malque
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| · A psicanálise no Brasil antes e depois de Lacan: posições do psicanalista nessa história Roizman, Daniel Hamer
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| · Relações de objeto Gradin, Adriana Meyer; Flaborea, Camila; Metzner, Carla Braz
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| · Primeiro Encontro Psicanalítico de Paraty: diálogos com a cidade Relvas, Mariangela
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