Special section |
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| · Psicología social y Metodologías Cualitativas: La investigación como herramienta de construcción social Castillo-SepúlvedaI, Jorge
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| · Constructing realities: bullying usages in chilean discourses Bassaletti-Contreras, Rodrigo
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| · Approach to the processes of subjectivation of domestic and care workers unionized Fulladosa-Leal, Karina
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| · From the sexual division of labor to the redefinition of care practices: an experience of Solidarity Economy in Catalonia Osorio-Cabrera, Daniela
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| · Things that are carried in the backpack: Power in Spanish rural occupy communities Ramírez, María Teresa
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Originals articles |
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| · Academic cheating and gender differences in Barcel Clariana, Mercè; Badia, Mar; Cladellas, Ramon; Gotzens, Concepción
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| · Individual differences as moderators of the relationship between stress and health in university teachers Lousinha, Alba; Guarino, Leticia
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| · Workers daily stress in the wheel Ramírez, Mónica González; Hernández, René Landero; Reducindo, Mireya Maruris; Genchi, Pedro Cortés; Mendoza, Rosalía Vega; Jaimes, Flaviano Godínez
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| · Adherence to diet on diabetic patients: effects of an intervention program Campuzano, Ma. De Lourdes Rodríguez; Rodríguez, Antonia Rentería; Rodríguez, Juan Carlos García
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| · Honey-Alonso Learning Styles Questionnaire: An Analysis of its Psychometric Properties in College Students Hoffman, Agustín Freiberg; Liporace, Mercedes Fernández
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Review articles |
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| · Of mothers and experts: the psychology of post war period and the disciplining of maternal care Donoso, Claudia Calquín
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| · The development of interpretations in clinical evaluatio Aguirre, Carmelo Ibáñez
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| · Down syndrome, brain and development Chamiz, Andrés Molero; Urbina, Guadalupe Nathzidy Rivera
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| · Psychoterapy based on Mentalization as Borderline Personality Disorders treatment: Theorical review of Fonagy's principles Escobar, María Josefina; Santelices, María Pía; Elizalde, Gloria Peláez
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